- Title: Pronto
- Author: Elmore Leonard
- Borrowed from DC Public Library (Kindle Book)
- Started: 1/15/2014
- Finished: 1/18/2014
I'm one of those people you hear about who doesn't have cable. When my wife and I bought our first condo together in 2004, we called Comcast to install cable like I had done at every other place I had lived before. Comcast, as usual, screwed up the dates/time for the install so many times that I finally decided "screw this" and we switched to rabbit ears.
Sort of. It just so happens the building we bought in had a good master antenna on the roof that was wired to all of the units, so I was able to get great over the air reception in a big city (pre-HD conversion). I also signed up for Netflix (pre-on demand, back when you got 3 DVDs at a time) and we adjusted to no more home design shows for my wife, no more cable sports for me.
I write that to note we still don't have cable (10 years!) and so I'm late to lots of popular TV shows. They have to make it to Netflix or Amazon on demand services (for free) before I see them. Thus I didn't know about the tv show Justified until about a year ago.
I love it. My wife loves it. I feel like I could watch the episodes on a continuous loop. I figured now was as good a time as any to read the books/stories by Elmore Leonard, see which I liked better.
It's unusual, but he TV show wins. The books are good and entertaining, don't get me wrong, but the TV show surpasses the books.
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