- Title: Watchmen
- Authors: Writer Alan Moore; Artist Dave Gibbons; Colorist John Higgins
- Received from my sister
- Started: 4/16/09
- Finished: 4/19/09
Six months? Seriously? I haven't read a book in six months? That's just hard to believe... where has the winter gone? Well I hope this book will spur me on to pick up the habit once more, hard to find the time for a good book these days but I sure do love reading.
So Watchmen. I liked it, I'm not going to become a comic book fanboy but I really enjoyed it. I had read about Watchmen so I knew the basic plot (not any specifics) and I knew about the comic-within-a-comic device. I thought I'd hate that part of it the most, but as it turns out it was my favorite part. I thought the blending of the main story with the meta-comic story was great.
This has made me a little more excited about seeing the recent movie version, I'll probably wait until it's on video though.
Up next? Not sure, I hope the warmer weather means more lazy days outside in the sun where I'm more likely to read a book. I'll have to head to the public library to see if any books catch my attention.