Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian, by Robert E Howard

Title: The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian 
Author: Robert E Howard 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Audiobook 
Started: 1/1/2025
Finished: 1/11/2025

When I was sla kid in the late 70s/early 80s I loved Conan or at least the idea of him.  There used to be crap paperback Conan stories all over the place (drug stores, supermarkets, etc.) and I would get one now and then.  Lots of scantily clad women, big bad Conan, etc.   

Turns out all or most of those were not really Howards stories but crap written by others about Conan, so I wanted to see what the real stories were like.  

This is the first of a three volume set.  Stories are decent but not amazing, but still a fun read for nostalgias sake.  

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