Sunday, December 15, 2024

Taming a Sea-Horse, by Robert Parker

Title: Taming a Sea-Horse 
Author: Robert Parker 
Pap ER back from Free Library 
Started: 12/13/2024
Finished: 15/15/2024

Jumper ahead several books in the Spenser series because I happened upon three of them at a take one leave one library last week.   In some ways that's good, I skipped the books where Susan runs off, Spenser is down, the. The the rescue.  I probably will read those again because I may like them more than I remember. 

Anyway, this one isn't one of my favorites.  I've never enjoyed the April storyline and this is one of those.  But there are two great sections. The "toughest guys in [rural city] Maine" part is a standout chapter.  And the very end with April's release is legit touching (look Im not a monster, even if I don't like the April storyline this ending is uplifting).  

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