Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Spartacus War, by Barry Strauss

Title: The Spartacus War
Author: Barry Strauss
Borrowed from DC Public Library
Started: 3/31/2015
Finished: 3/26/2015

The final book on Spartacus for me, I think. This was a very good description of the possible/hypothetical rise and fall of Spartacus based on ancient texts. I've seen the authors name around quite a bit and was curious to see how I like his writing. My favorite is still the Howard Fast novel, but these are two very different books and not competing against each other. Both were great reads.

On a side note: this is the first book I've read in a long time that was in print and not an ebook on the kindle or an audiobook. Last one was sometime in 2014 I guess. That is hard to believe.

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