Thursday, February 6, 2025

A Drink before the War, Dennis Lehane

Title: A Drink before the War
Author: Dennis Lehane
Borrowed from Fairfax County Public Library Kindle edition 
Started:  2/1/2025
Finished: 2/6/2025

This was a surprise.  A darker than Spenser but still smart assed Boston focused PI series.  Pretty good.  

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Sudden Mischief, by Robert Parker

Title: Sudden Mischief 
Author: Robert Parker 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Kindle edition 
Started: 1/26/2025
Finished: 1/29/2025

Another Susan focused Spenser book and the plot of this one is just insane. 

Monday, January 27, 2025

Bone White, by Ronald Malfi

Title: Bone White
Author: Ronald Malfi
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Audiobook
Started: 1/202025
Finished: 1/27/2025

I liked the opening of this one a lot, and there were some solid moments, but overall this one wasn't for me.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Small Vices, by Robert Parker

Title: Small Vices 
Author: Robert Parker 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Kindle edition 
Started: 1/22/2025
Finished: 1/26/2025

Ive always like this one for the description of rehab from severe injury, but otherwise the plot of this one is pretty terrible.  I am curious if the Grey Man bad guy in this wlone was any inspiration for the series of that name.  

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Chance, by Robert Parker

Title: Chance 
Author: Robert Parker 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Kindle edition 
Started: 1/20/2025
Finished: 1/22/2025

This was a decent Spenser book but we are firmly in the phoning it in phase of his writing these novels.   They're easy to read, comfortable characters, and still very enjoyable dialogue.   But the grit is gone.  

Friday, January 17, 2025

Thin Air, by Robert Parker

Title,: Thin Air 
Author: Robert Parker 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Kindle edition 
Started: 1/15/2025
Finished: 1/17/2025

Pretty good mid-series Spenser.  This one includes two first person perspectives. The usual Spenser narrating, and then the kidnapping victim perspective.  Pretty enjoyable.  

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Snow, by Ronald Malfi

Title: Snow
Author: Ronald Malfi
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Audiobook
Started: 1/12/2025
Finished: 1/16/2025

When I first discovered Malfi last year I blew through a bunch of books in a row, some were great, others so-so, but eventually needed a break.  

This has been an unusually cold winter in MD/DC and with a lot of snow still on the ground and temps in the teens, I thought it was a good time to give this book a shot.  Turned out to be a great idea.

The book was good -- maybe not amazing.  But if you like King novels you'd probably love this one.  But it was good, and the winter atmosphere in Maryland elevated my reading experience.  

Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian, by Robert E Howard

Title: The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian 
Author: Robert E Howard 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Audiobook 
Started: 1/1/2025
Finished: 1/11/2025

When I was sla kid in the late 70s/early 80s I loved Conan or at least the idea of him.  There used to be crap paperback Conan stories all over the place (drug stores, supermarkets, etc.) and I would get one now and then.  Lots of scantily clad women, big bad Conan, etc.   

Turns out all or most of those were not really Howards stories but crap written by others about Conan, so I wanted to see what the real stories were like.  

This is the first of a three volume set.  Stories are decent but not amazing, but still a fun read for nostalgias sake.  

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Walking Shadow, by Robert Parker

Title: Walking Shadow 
Author: Robert Parker 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Kindle edition 
Started: 1/9/2025
Finished: 1/11/2025

Not the best plot but this book has some great dialogue.  

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Crypt of the Moon Spider, by Nathan Ballingrud

Title: Crypt of the Moon Spider 
Author; Nathan Ballingrud 
Purchased from Amazon Kindle edition 
Started: 1/3/2025
Finished: 1/8/2025

Great novela, first entry in a trilogy.  Ballingrud is a very enjoyable writer.  

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Pastime, by Robert Parker

Title: Pastime
Author: Robert Parker 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Kindle edition 
Started: 1/1/2025
Finished: 1/2/2025

First book of the new year and continuing with the Spenser re-read.  This is a good one since you get a lot of great Spenser one liners, a lot of dog activity (if like me you love dogs and have one with a similar personality to Pearl), and you get some background into Spenser's life.  Enjoyable easy read. 

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Valediction, by Robert Parker

Title: Valediction 
Author: Robert Parker 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Kindle edition 
Started: 12/30/2024
Finished: 12/31/2024

This is one of my favorites from the Susan dumps Spenser timeline that I generally don't like.  But this is a good one,with Spenser dating someone else, still semi-suicidal, and completely missing the real villain in the overall mystery.  A rare miss for Spenser makes this an entertaining and different read.  

Saturday, December 28, 2024

All These Worlds, by Dennis E Taylor

Title: All These Worlds 
Author: Dennis E Taylor 
Borrowed from Audible via Amazon Music 
Started: 12/22/2024
Finished: 12/28/2024

Third in the Bobiverse series, decent.  

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

A Catskill Eagle, by Robert Parker

Title: A Catskill Eagle 
Author: Robert Parker 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Kindle edition 
Started: 12/21/2024
Finished: 12/25/2024

Backtracking a bit in the Spenser series reread.  Not a huge fan of the Susan focused books. 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Created, the Destroyer, by Richard Sapir and Warren Murphy

Title: Created, the Destroyer 
Author: Richard Sapir and Warren Murphy 
Purchased from Amazon Kindle edition 
Started: 12/18/2024
Finished: 12/21/2024

First in the Remo Williams series, pulpy and fun, but probably not enough to carry on with the rest.  

Friday, December 20, 2024

The Decagon House Murders, by Yuki to Ayatsuji

Title: The Decagon House Murders 
Author: Yuki Ayatsuji 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Audiobook 
Started: 11/1/2024
Finished: 12/20/2024

A twist/turn murder mystery in the "And then there were none" tradition.  Wanted to like it more than I did.  

Monday, December 16, 2024

Paper Doll, by Robert Parker

Title: Paper Doll
Author: Robert Parker 
Paperback from Free Library 
Started: 12/15/2024
Finished: 12/16/2024

Decent mid-series Spenser novel.  

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Pale Kings and Princes, by Robert Parker

Title: Pale Kings and Princes 
Author: Robert Parker 
Paperback from Free Library 
Started: 12/15/2024
Finished: 12/15/2024

Decent mid-series Spense  novel.  

Taming a Sea-Horse, by Robert Parker

Title: Taming a Sea-Horse 
Author: Robert Parker 
Pap ER back from Free Library 
Started: 12/13/2024
Finished: 15/15/2024

Jumper ahead several books in the Spenser series because I happened upon three of them at a take one leave one library last week.   In some ways that's good, I skipped the books where Susan runs off, Spenser is down, the. The the rescue.  I probably will read those again because I may like them more than I remember. 

Anyway, this one isn't one of my favorites.  I've never enjoyed the April storyline and this is one of those.  But there are two great sections. The "toughest guys in [rural city] Maine" part is a standout chapter.  And the very end with April's release is legit touching (look Im not a monster, even if I don't like the April storyline this ending is uplifting).  

Friday, December 13, 2024

A Savage Place, by Robert Parker

Title: A Savage Place 
Author: Robert Parker 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Kindle edition 
Started: 12/9/2024
Finished: 12/12/2024

One of the worst of the earlier Spenser books.  The LA setting isn't bad, but the mystery is terrible and Spenser's banter isn't up to usual standards.  

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Cold Moon Over Babylon, by Michael McDowell

Title: Cold Moon Over Babylon
Author: Michael McDowell
Borrowed from Audible
Started: 12/6/2024
Finished: 12/10/2024

Bought a new Chromebook which for some reason gave me three months free of Amazon Music, and that service recently added a "one Audible book a month" loan so I was finally able to read this one by McDowell that I'd had on my list for a while.

It was decent, but not great.  Bad guy gets his comeuppance, but only after he has murdered an entire family (three generations of family) over a 20 year period.  

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Early Autumn, by Robert Parker

Title: Early Autumn 
Author: Robert Parker 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Kindle edition 
Started: 12/6/2024
Finished: 12/8/2024

This is one of the best Spensers.  The mystery is t amazing, but the life lessons for the 15 year old kid -- I never tire of reading this one.  

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Gunman's Rhapsody, by Robert Parker

Title: Gunman's Rhapsody 
Author: Robert Parker 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Audiobook 
Started: 12/3/2024
Finished: 12/4/2024

I think I would have loved this book in print, butt he Audiobook narrated by Ed Begley Jr wasnt for me.  If I ever find a print version I'll try it again.  

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Mortal Stakes, by Robert Parker

Title: Mortal Stakes 
Author: Robert Parker 
Borrowed from DC Public Library Kindle edition 
Started: 12/2/2024
Finished: 12/3/2024

Well I'm giving up all pretense and just admitting to myself that I'll be re-reading much of the Spenser series.  This is a decent early Spenser.  

Monday, December 2, 2024

The More the Terrier, by David Rosenfelt

Title: The More the Terrier 
Author: David Rosenfelt 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Audiobook 
Started: 12/1/2024
Finished: 12/2/2024

Another Andy Carpenter book, not a great plot but still funny and enjoyable. 

The Promised Land, by Robert Parker

Title: The Promised Land
Author: Robert Parker 
Borrowed from DC Public Library Kindle edition 
Started: 12/1/2024
Finished; 12/2/2024

An early Spenser, but not a great one.  The next few in the series though are some of the best, including The Judas Goat that I just read a day ago.  

Sunday, December 1, 2024

The Judas Goat, by Robert Parker

Title: The Judas Goat
Author: Robert Parker 
Picked up paperback from Free Library 
Started: 11/30/2024
Finished: 11/30/2024

These early Parker books are the best.  This one is great.  Could reread it regularly. 

Monday, November 18, 2024

The Inevitable Ruin, by Matt Dinniman

Title: The Inevitable Ruin 
Author: Matt Dinniman 
Purchased from Amazon Kindle edition 
Started: 11/11/2024
Finished: 11/18/2024

The newest book in the Dungeon Crawler Carl series.  Not a great stand alone novel, but if you're invested in the series like I am, a great continuation of the over arching story.  

Friday, November 8, 2024

Everyone on this Train is a Suspect, by Benjamin Stevenson

Title: Everyone on this Train is a Suspect 
Author: Benjamin Stevenson 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Audiobook 
Started: 11/1/2024
Finished: 11/8/2024

Second in this series and I liked it, very charming books.  

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

The Only One Left, by Riley Sager

Title: The Only One Left
Author: Riley Sager
Borrowed in paperback from my wife
Started: 10/15/2024
Finished: 10/30/2024

A pretty terrible whodunit.

Monday, October 28, 2024

The Murder at the Vicarage, by Agatha Christie

Title: The Murder at the Vicarage 
Author: Agatha Christie 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Audiobook 
Started: 10/26/2024
Finished: 10/27/2024

The first Miss Marple book, not my favorite, I'm a bigger Poirot fan.  

Friday, October 25, 2024

The Iron Hand of Mars, by Lindsey Davis

Title: The Iron Hand of Mars 
Author: Lindsey Davis 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Audiobook 
Started: 10/19/2024
Finished: 10/25/2024

I've read too many of these Falco books back to back. They're good, but I need a break.  

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Venus in Copper, by Lindsey Davis

Title: Venus in Copper 
Author: Lindsey Davis 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Audiobook 
Started: 10/17/2024
Finished: 10/18/2024

Another Falco book. Not bad, a bit melodramatic.  Also meant to note how much this author HATES landlords.  Not an unpopular position, but it is prevalent throughout the books so far. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Shadows in Bronze, by Lindsey Davis

TItle: Shadows in Bronze
Author: Lindsey Davis
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Audiobook
Started: 10/13/2024
FInished: 10/15/2024

Second in the Falco mystery series set in ancient Rome.  Pretty good.

Monday, October 14, 2024

The Footage, by Stuart James

Title: The Footage 
Author: Stuart James 
Purchased from Amazon Kindle edition 
Started: 10/13/2024
Finished: 10/14/2024

I'm a sucker for found footage movies and books which has led me to buy and read some pretty terrible stuff.  This is up there with the worst of them.  

Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Hollows, by Daniel Church

Title: The Hollows
Author: Daniel Church 
Borrowed from DC Public Library Kindle edition 
Started: 10/1/2024
Finished: 10/13/2024

Decent but not amazing old gods-ish horror novel.  

The Silver Pigs, by Lindsey Davis

Title: The Silver Pigs 
Autor: Lindsey Davis 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Audiobook 
Started: 10/10/2024
Finished: 10/13/2024

First in a detective series set in ancient Rome. Pretty good.  

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Death at the Sign of the Rook, by Kate Atkinson

  • Title: Death at the Sign of the Rook
  • Author: Kate Atkinson
  • Purchased from local DC bookstore (hardcover -- forget how expensive these are)
  • Started: 10/6/2024
  • Finished: 10/9/2024
Another (the final?) in the Jackson Brodie series.  This one seemed a lot less "serious" than the earlier entries, but was still enjoyable.  No regrets on the purchase, Atkinson's worth it.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The First Man in Rome, by Colleen McCullough

  • Title:  The First Man in Rome
  • Author: Colleen McCullough
  • Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Audiobook
  • Started: 9/28/2024
  • Finished: 10/8/2024
Back in 2022 I read the first three in this series as abridged, the only versions available from the public library.  I hate reading abridged and wasn't thrilled with them.

Now I have access to the unabridged and this is a spectacular book.  Hoping the others in the series are also available unabridged.  Incredible stuff.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Incidents Around the House, by Josh Malerman

Title: Incidents Around the House 
Author: Josh Malerman 
Borrowed from Fairfax County Public Library Audiobook 
Started: 9/20/2022
Finished: 9/24/2024

Not sure how I feel about this one, but I wanted to like it more than I did.  

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Recursion, by Blake Crouch

Title: Recursion 
Author: Blake Crouch 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Audiobook 
Started: 9/1/2024
Finished: 9/19/2024

Struggled with this one.  Interesting first third but I lost interest.  

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Dark Harvest, by Norman Partridge

Title: Dark Harvest 
Author: Norman Partridge 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Audiobook 
Started: 9/16/2024
Finished: 9/18/2024

Short Halloween novel, kind of like the lottery for YA readers.  Decent. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Everyone in My Family has Killed Someone , by Benjamin Stevenson

Title: Everyone in My Family has Killed Someone 
Author: Benjamin Stevenson 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Audiobook 
Started: 9/12/2024
Finished: 9/16/2024

An entertaining murder mystery 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Marriage Plot, by Jeffrey Eugenides

Title: The Marriage Plot 
Author: Jeffrey Eugenides 
Paperback picked up at free library 
Started: 9/2/2024
Finished: 9/12/2024

Overall I liked this book, even if I didn't care for any of the three main characters very much.  

Monday, September 2, 2024

How to Make a Horror Movie and Survive, by Craig DiLouie

Title: How to Make a Horror Movie and Survive 
Author: Craig DiLouie 
Purchased paperback from local bookstore in DC
Started: 8/31/2024
Finished: 9/2/2024

Enjoyed this one overall but didn't love it.  

Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels, by Janice Hallett

Title: The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels 
Author: Janice Hallett 
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Kindle edition 
Started: 8/24/2024
Finished: 8/31/2024

Extremely enjoyable epistolary novel, Hallett is great at writing these.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Shrink Rap, by Robert B Parker

Title: Shrink Rap
Author: Robert B Parker 
Borrowed from Fairfax County Public Library Audiobook 
Started: 8/27/2024
Finished: 8/28/2024

Another Sunny Randall novel, only so so.  

Monday, August 26, 2024

Perish Twice, by Robert B Parker

Title: Perish Twice 
Author: Robert B Parker 
Paperback from take one leave one library 
Started: 8/25/2024
Finished: 8/26/2024

Had surgery three days ago and find myself with a lot of time on my hands for convalescing.  Third book in as many days.  Sunny Randall mystery, enjoyable for what it is, though I prefer the Spenser books.  

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Twyford Code, by Janice Hallett

Title: The Twyford Code
Author: Janice Hallett 
Borrowed from Fairfax County Public Library Kindle edition 
Started: 8/23/2024
Finished: 8/25/2024

Another epistolary novel from Hallett, very enjoyable.  These are really fun books.  

Saturday, August 24, 2024

I Remember You, by Yrsa Sigurdardottir

Title: I Remember You 
Author: Yrsa Sigurdardottir 
Borrowed from Fairfax County Public Library Kindle edition 
Started: 8/20/2024
Finished: 8/24/2024

Icelandic horror novel, decent.