Monday, May 6, 2024

A Haunting on the Hill, by Elizabeth Hand

Title: A Haunting on the Hill
Author: Elizabeth Hand
Borrowed from Queen Anne County Public Library Audiobook
Started: 5/3/2024
Finished: 5/6/2024

Confession time -- when I finished book 6 in the Dungeon Crawler Carl series, I tried to start another book but could not get into it.  Instead I started a re-read of all six books in the DCC series.  I read the whole thing again.

Once I finished book six for the second time, this new title had come through on my holds list for the public library.  

I've always loved the original The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson.  I recently discovered Elizabeth Hand's novels and have enjoyed those quite a bit.  So this was a great fit for me, Hand revisiting Hill House.  I liked this book quite a bit.

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